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Accounting and finance are always in demand. Many thousands of students every year apply to learn these disciplines in-depth. These courses are complicated and demand being brilliant in many concerning areas, and the competition is sky-high. However, the motivation to study is always strong.

To fulfill a dream of becoming a specialist in accounting and finance, you have to work hard. And the first challenge to overcome is to get into the program. You need to collect all the required documents and certificates proving you are eligible. Among them, one of the most essential factors is your accounting and finance personal statement.

What is the role of a personal finance statement for a successful application? 

The answer is simple: it is of tremendous importance. Your personal finance statement is your most reliable chance to stand apart among hundreds of similar applications. Schools, in their turn, are interested in getting students who won’t only study accounting and finance and earn their degrees. They want all-around personalities who will succeed in these disciplines. Such graduates help the school’s brand. Besides, it is the goal of modern higher education to raise a person, not just a specialist.

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Under such circumstances, it is vital to persuade the school at once that you are that person who can succeed and bring more honor to the brand. Your finance personal statement is where you can do it. Of course, it is not the only factor that matters. However, it is frequently one of the weightiest factors. The finance personal statement can make the board accept your application as you prove your motivation and readiness.

Writing an accounting personal statement might be complicated. Though this piece is short enough (about 500 words, 1-page long), candidates spend many hours and days doing the job. It is a piece where no mistake or issue can take place. An accounting personal statement must be concise, informative, and present your strongest sides concerning the specific goals of the course. Actually, this document must explain who you are, why you apply, and why the school should invite you.

The obligatory parts of an appropriate accounting personal statement

Your personal financial statement is an essay. You have a thesis statement – a claim that you are the best match for this course. And you have 4 or 5 sections to prove it. The structure of the accounting personal statement matches the well-known “three-part” build.

  • The Introduction part presents you and sets the tone. In this part, you should attract the board’s attention with a hook part. Then you introduce yourself and explain why you want to study accounting and finance in this program.
  • The Body section of the personal-finance statement describes your advantages as a candidate. Here you explain which goals you set and which qualities you already have to accomplish them. We’d recommend you to refer to the accounting personal statement examples on this website. By reading and analyzing these pieces, you can see how successful applicants formulated their goals and presented their pros. It is a good inspiration and learning reference.
  • The Conclusion part is an impressive final of the accounting personal statement. There, you summarize your arguments, relate them to the goals, and tie them to the career plans. All schools want students who are highly motivated and skilled. You should plan their work to apply your knowledge efficiently. If you can prove it in your personal finance statement – a significant part of the work is done.

There are some guidelines on writing such a personal finance statement available on the Web. Also, you can work with writing specialists. Our team is proficient in this field. In fact, a robust collection of accounting personal statement examples you can find on our website is compiled of our writers’ works. What is even more essential – all these statements brought success to the applicants.

The creation of your personal finance statement by example is a worthy approach. You can learn from the best specialists. Of course, you should not copy the contents and phrases, even if you like them very much. This document must present the uniqueness and originality of self-presentation. However, analyzing examples of personal statements for finance and accounting will help you determine your way of work.

Practical tips on preparing a personal statement for accounting and finance

The most essential factor is early preparation. Give yourself enough time. Research the school demands and all the slightest specificities of the courses you want to take. You have to understand perfectly what it requires from you and how you can respond. Consider the real-life experience that you can appeal to in this personal statement for accounting and finance. Select the most convincing arguments in your favor and define your most relevant skills.

When you have these preparations done, you are ready to start writing.

  • Make a plan of the work. Decide what you will write in each section. Ensure that all these particles are closely and logically connected. Outlining is the most efficient technique for any essay writing. A piece written with a detailed outline is always better-structured and concise.
  • Focus on relevance. All the information you mention about yourself must work for the primary goal – show that you match the program criteria. If any argument says something in favor of you as a person but does not relate directly to this school’s requirements, get rid of it for now.
  • Pay attention to the writing style. The word choice is crucial – use the terms that expose the precise meaning and help you stand apart. You should not stick to rare and sophisticated words either. It might seem a challenge to find the right balance, but still, your writing is the most powerful tool you have at this moment.

If you feel your writing skills aren’t sufficient to create a personal statement accounting master or any other level, you may turn to our team. Professional personal statement writers will take this job to compose a flawless and most convincing application for you. Let us help you accomplish your dream of accounting and finance!

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