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Use your strength to reach goals with personal statement career change (+examples)

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When we choose the college to enroll in and courses to take, we are planning our future careers. However, as time flies, we often want to try new paths. When this decision becomes final, we compose CVs and apply for new positions. If you plan a career change, the most significant section of your CV is the career change personal statement.

A career change personal statement is an introductory part of your CV. There you present yourself, claim your goals, and explain why you apply for that position. You might wonder why you need to compose a separate personal statement career change, wouldn’t the list of your skills and achievements be enough? Actually, it might not be enough.

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Hiring managers receive tons of job applications daily. They have to evaluate all those CVs, and they often have several seconds for that only. It is not a secret either that hiring managers always check relevant experience first of all. If you are changing your field, your previous experience might not be 100% suitable. Thus, HR people might skip your application. Is there a way to overcome this? Fortunately, this is why we put the career change personal statement on the top.

What is the primary role of a career change personal statement in a CV?

The location of the personal statement career change in your CV template is crucial. It is the first thing that the HR department will see. Also, it includes some most significant information about you as a candidate. Instead of reading and analyzing lists of your previous job positions and accomplishments, hiring managers can at once get a basic understanding of your person.

If you plan to switch to a new field, the career change personal statement must persuade the manager that you suit that position because your past experience can be related to the new job, your hard and soft skills are relevant, and you are highly motivated to succeed in a new role.

The impression produced by this section determines if the manager proceeds to read the rest of your CV and consider your candidature more. Thus, you need to compose this introduction to make it relevant, informative, and catchy. Working with personal statement examples, career change is an efficient method. By analyzing these pieces, you can learn how to present yourself to get noticed and get the manager engaged.

Still, independent learning by examples, even lots of successful personal statement examples career change pieces, would not be as efficient as needed without an in-depth understanding of the structure and content requirements. We have already defined the three pillars of a career change personal statement:

  • Who are you as a person and professional?
  • How your experience and skills are relevant to the position in a new field?
  • What is the reason to apply for this particular job?

One more essential issue is explaining any gaps or vague circumstances in your previous career. It is much better to be proactive and clarify them to do yourself justice.

Focus on this pattern, analyze the examples – there is a robust collection of them on this website – and let’s proceed to practice!

How to write a personal statement for a career change – what to consider and how to implement it 

Of course, you would not apply to any job position just because you like it. Initially, you check its requirements and consider if you can match them. Also, you know that you’ll have to compete with other candidates. This is the first stage of making your career change personal statement sample.

  • You need to understand both the job requirements and your advantages clearly. Collect as much information about the company and the job as possible to grasp all details. Then match your personal qualities and professional skills that suit them best of all and can give you an advantage.
  • The size of a CV personal statement career change is no more than 150 words, and the less is better. It has to be super-concise. Make a detailed plan of this statement to define what you will write there. Check the logical links in that career change personal statement sample, as they must be flawless.
  • Write the career change personal statement CV following the scheme:
    • Name yourself and position you target;
    • Describe what attracted you to that position;
    • Explain how your past experience and skills make you a worthy candidate;
    • Stress your motivation and conclude how your background brings benefits to the company.
  • Consider your language. It is your most potent tool to help you sound original. Use the words proving your qualification. Write in active voice and appeal to numbers and practical achievements. Avoid sophisticated terms and banal words. Instead, use precise words that describe your soft and hard skills best of all.
  • Check the career change CV personal statement after completion several times. Don’t send it right away – let your mind refresh, and get back to it further. You will probably define issues to correct or even sections to change.

This is how to write a personal statement for a career change. Though this piece is short, it is not a trifle, and lots of applicants struggle and even risk failing their applications because of weaker personal statements. It would be excellent to have a professional consultation. In our team, you can hire specialists to help you prepare this crucial piece or even write it for you from scratch, separately, or together with your CV.

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