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Write your perfect masters personal statement

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Sooner or later, any student faces the challenge of getting his Master’s degree. A personal statement for masters is a must if you are eager to study the course of your dream in the best university. You can truly say that your future depends on how successful your personal statement for masters program is. The information provided depends on whether you are accepted or rejected.

Therefore, creating a perfect masters personal statement is crucial not only for your studies but also for your career. Although writing your personal statement for masters can be a challenge, learning how to do it properly is your duty and of your own interest.

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Below, you will find out how to write a masters personal statement quickly and efficiently. These helpful tips will allow you to write a great statement and get a career you are dreaming of.

What is a master’s degree personal statement?

As a graduate student, you might be required to complete a master’s personal statement. Almost all graduate students experience problems with this assignment and need some help with it. What is this scary paper, then? A personal statement for masters program is an essay you submit along with your application.

An admission board is interested to see who you are behind your average and test scores. Therefore, a personal statement master’s essay is called to present your true self and show why exactly you are a valuable candidate for that program.

The biggest problem for students is that they don’t see the difference between a statement of purpose, a statement of intent, and a personal statement. If you are required to write just one of them, then there is no issue at all. However, if a board requested both a statement of purpose and a personal statement, you might face challenges.

If that’s your case, then you should know that a statement of purpose:

  • Depicts your reasons for applying to that program;
  • Addresses such themes as careers and research purposes;
  • Shows how your academic success makes you a good candidate for a particular program.

When it comes to a personal statement for masters degree, you are free to write anything that helps explore your personality. A masters degree personal statement is a narrative essay. It tells more details about your experience and how it will help you succeed in your graduate program.

How to write a personal statement for a masters program

Before you start working on your masters personal statement, it is crucial to realize that this type of essay is individual and cannot be crafted following one master’s personal statement example. You tell your personal story, and it cannot be similar to others.

However, you should pay attention to and follow a couple of helpful tips and things if you want to craft a successful personal statement for masters degree.

Create a thoughtful plan

Planning your master’s degree personal statement is crucial for its success. First of all, you shouldn’t include any autobiographical information in your statement. Your personal life is out of interest of the admission committee. First, read the prompts thoroughly and conduct your research on the course you are going to study. Don’t use the same statement for several colleges.

Here is what questions you must answer when writing your master personal statement:

  • The reasons to study the program;
  • The benefits of the course for you;
  • How your skills comply with the program;
  • Why you stand out (mention your work experience);
  • What career you are pursuing;
  • What your contribution to the educational establishment can be.

If you don’t know how to write a personal statement for masters, simply plan it in advance and answer the listed questions.

Masters degree personal statement structure

Since a personal statement masters paper is an essay, it should have the main parts of any essay:

  • Introduction;
  • Body parts;

If you aren’t that bad at writing essays, you will have no problem creating your statement. There are a couple of requirements you should meet, though:

  • An introduction must be attention-grabbing and a basis for your entire essay;
  • The length of your masters degree personal statement must be between 250500 words;
  • Sentences shouldn’t contain more than 30 words;
  • Include headings to make your content more readable;
  • Always support each claim with evidence;
  • Avoid using template sentences like “I have always had a passion for…”, “I have always been eager to…”.  Better tell the committee what has changed your behavior or wish to study a specific program;
  • Clearly show that you have a great wish to study in conclusion by summarizing your main points.

Language and content

If you check any successful masters personal statement example, you will notice that it is about your motivation and commitment to the chosen course. Here is what you should remember when working on your statement:

  • Include the main reasons for picking the course (the reputation of the college or your future career, etc.);
  • Write only about relevant experience, for example, your essays, dissertations, projects, jobs;
  • Always provide supporting evidence for each of the skills or experience you mention;
  • By all means, show how and why you stand out of the rest of the candidates;
  • Tell about your core influences;
  • Don’t forget to mention your other awards, prizes, papers you have written, etc.;
  • Tell about your career aspirations and how this course will help you achieve them;
  • Be positive and enthusiastic in your paper;
  • Your opening paragraphs must be intriguing and exciting, so they would love to keep reading it until the end and learn more about you;
  • Don’t make too extravagant claims and make your sentences short;
  • Use clear and understandable vocabulary only;
  • Don’t use generic terms;
  • Mention the course specifically.

Proofread and edit your statement

The tips above must give you a better insight into how to write a personal statement for a master. However, don’t hurry to submit it because once it is finished, the process isn’t over yet. Proofreading and editing it is a must. Your brain cannot function properly after the long writing process.

Therefore, you should put it aside for a while and get back to it again in some time. It would also be very efficient to ask someone else to read your paper. Don’t be offended if those people don’t like something. Take it seriously and improve all sentences that sound too complicated or are illogical.

It is not difficult to write a personal statement if you don’t procrastinate and approach this assignment seriously. Follow the tips above and create a good paper of your own. If you have difficulties and need help, you can always apply to professional personal statement writers.

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