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How to write an art personal statement easily

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When you are required to submit a personal statement for art school, don’t hurry to be sad or scared. It is a good opportunity to show who you are apart from your average and test results. You might find multiple personal statement art examples all over the Internet, but don’t forget that you should create your own statement that must stand out.

If you need some art personal statement help, check the guide of our personal statement writing service below and learn everything about how to write a personal statement for art school successfully. Forget about frustration and start learning each stage of the writing process right now.

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What is an art statement?

An art personal statement is an essay requested by some colleges along with your application. This essay can be written in free form and doesn’t have to stick to specific rules. However, this is what causes too many problems. As students don’t see a clear structure or requirements, they have no idea where to start even and what to include in their art school personal statement.

Your entire paper should look professional, and you must sound quite confident and really mean each word you write. It shouldn’t resemble many other essays, so it’s necessary to work hard to make it really outstanding. Therefore, it is better to stick to a specific structure. When following it, your art personal statement won’t be just fine but will evoke the interest of the readers from the very first line.

How to write a personal statement for art school

An application essay plays a huge role in whether you are accepted and continue your study or not. You should always keep that in mind and never forget. Thus, you shouldn’t underestimate the significance of your art history personal statement.

Like any other essay, your statement must contain the following parts:

  • Catchy introduction;
  • Main body;
  • Memorable conclusion.

Although you are free to write about whatever you only desire, having such a structure is a must. It will make your paper flawless, readable, and logical. Let’s see what you should include in each part.


The perfect introduction to your art personal statement contains questions about how you personally see yourself as an artist. It should open your context to the reader and let him or her know what is going to be written in that essay. It is a sort of a roadmap for your readers, an illustration of what they are going to see below.

Needless to say, you must interest your reader from the very first line of your statement. You may start with a rhetorical question or an interesting quote. Just an intriguing sentence would be good, too. You may start from whatever you wish, but this must be interesting and make your reader want to keep reading until the end.

You don’t imagine how many similar and boring introductions and papers, in general, the admission board reads every year. Your task is to make your personal statement for art school really outstanding and raise their interests and curiousness.

Main body

In this part, you should provide explanations and arguments. Keep in mind that providing arguments is not enough. You should support each of them with evidence if applicable — facts from your life, some experience, etc.

Your readers must see a clear picture of what is being told. Avoid generalized phrases. For example: “Modern art has influenced my photography style.” The phrase is too generalized. Instead of this, write something like “The use of color in Picasso’s Guernica has influenced my photography style and preferences.”

The main body should be the lengthiest part of your art personal statement. Make sure to add at least three paragraphs to it. More paragraphs are also possible if necessary.


Remember that all the parts of your art statement must be written in a logical flow. By no means should it be abrupt? This paragraph is a great chance to leave the best impression, so you should use it. Avoid including new ideas in this part of your statement but summarize the core thoughts and arguments provided in the introduction and body paragraphs.

No matter what kind of artist you are and whether you are fond of interior or graphic design, the readers must have an impression that they understood your inner world very well. You should leave an unforgettable impression on the readers, and a conclusion is the best way to do it.

Browse personal statement art examples

If you have no writing skills, knowledge, or just experience, it would be very helpful to read some art personal statement samples. By doing this, you will be able to:

  • Understand the main purpose of an art statement;
  • See what structure the essay should approximately have;
  • Realize what kind of vocabulary to use;
  • Have a general idea of this essay.

Reading quality templates would be great art personal statement help. Just make sure to browse really successful statements. Otherwise, you risk getting a wrong image of how to create a good paper.

Helpful personal statement writing tips

Even though you might have browsed many personal statement art examples, you should be creative in your approach and create a unique and really outstanding essay. It doesn’t mean you should forget about all the rules and necessary structure and write whatever you wish, though. The following tips will help you in the writing process a lot:

  • Read the prompts carefully. Keep in mind that simply enlisting the best and most positive things about yourself isn’t enough. You should read the prompts and understand what a particular school requires from you. They all might have different requirements and expectations, so make sure to answer all their questions fully.
  • Convince the reader that you are the best candidate. Since you strive to be accepted by a particular school, you should convince them to be perfect candidates. If they require you to tell about your weaknesses, do it but still highlight and focus on your strongest sides.
  • Be specific. When writing your art school personal statement, you should always be specific. Don’t simply mention your best qualities or skills but provide very specific proofs for them. Explain why exactly you can be a great participant in their program. Always mention specific skills and working experience.
  • Break up the paragraphs. If you want your essay to be readable, break it into easy-to-read parts. Using headings and subheadings is also welcomed.
  • Be genuine. Lying about your life, preferences, experience, or skills won’t result in anything good. Since you should support each claim with a fact, it will be too easy to understand that you aren’t sincere.
  • Stay positive. No matter whether you are talking about your strengths or weaknesses, avoid sounding negative.

Use art personal statement help when necessary

Writing your personal statement is always challenging and requires a serious approach. Don’t forget to learn more about your school. You can check their social media account to follow their updates, prompts, and requirements.

If you feel like you don’t have enough time for writing this responsible piece of paper or simply lack the necessary skills or knowledge, ask for professional art personal statement help. This way, you can be sure to submit a top-quality essay on time.

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