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Dentistry is a worthy career choice. It is comprehensive, prospective, and popular. Let’s be honest: experienced and talented dentists are always in high demand, and their skills are paid off excellently. Thus, lots of students each year apply to dentistry schools. Their numbers grow continually, and the competition becomes fiercer. You have to be well-prepared, have exceptional knowledge and understanding, proved by the certificates and exam results. However, there is more.

You have to convince the admission board that they should invite you. Lots of students apply with similar documents and achievements. Here is your first challenge – to get noticed. The weightiest argument you have at this stage is your dentistry personal statement.

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What is a dentistry personal statement and why it is crucial for a successful application? 

A personal statement is a small essay (approximately 500-600 words, one page long) that describes your candidature for the particular dentistry school. The goal is to prove that you are the most suitable person. You deserve to get the chance, and you match this school perfectly. Why dentistry personal statement is necessary? The thing is, the school knows nothing about you. Then, your dentistry personal statement is the opportunity to get noticed and produce some impression.

Of course, even the most brilliant dentistry personal statement won’t guarantee getting a place in that school. However, what is for sure, a poorly composed piece kills your chances. To become an extraordinary dentist, you need to write a dentistry personal statement for your application.

The good news, there are enough dentistry personal statement samples on the Web. You can get dozens of them, analyze, and create your application by example. The not-so-good news is, it can be sophisticated if you only follow those examples. You have to understand which elements are the most essential and how they work. Here, we’ll be happy to assist you. Let us tell you how to prepare the most effective dentistry personal statement and accomplish your goals.

Design and requirements for the personal statement dentistry application

If you take any dentistry personal statement sample, you’ll hardly get enough valued information. Successful applications are various. You can experiment with a dentistry personal statement opening. Also, consider how you’ll present the facts. You may apply more to your qualities or stress more your readiness and hardworking. You’ll get many samples for every approach, but the core remains. When you determine it, you can create personal statement dentistry that can help you achieve the goal.

Every dentistry personal statement sample must present the following information:

  • Who are you?
  • Why do you want to apply to this dentistry school?
  • Why should the school approve your application?
  • What plans do you have for a professional career?

When you examine every particular personal statement dentistry, notice those fundamental parts. It is not necessary that they are in this order and that every section is clearly separated. However, these details must be present in every piece.

The best approach is collecting many successful dentistry schools’ applications and analyzing them, seeking those patterns. Our team will also be glad to provide you with a dentistry personal statement help. We are aware that gathering the information and analysis can take long and demand lots of energy. Thus, you may refer for the dentistry personal statement help – we’ll consult you on every aspect and assist you in preparing the documents.

If you are strong in your decision to work on personal statement dentistry independently, we’ll help you to explore the patterns the right way.

Necessary parts and their contents for making the right impression

As we are here to bring you our dentistry personal statement help, let us start with dissecting the construction. A personal statement is an essay. This format is nothing new for any student – you have composed and submitted hundreds of essays. Thus, you know everything about its structure. Fortunately, this structure is the same in the personal statement – the Introduction, the Main Body, and the Conclusion.

  • In the Introduction, you have to describe yourself in brief and also explain why you want to apply to this dentistry school. Like any essay introductory part, you need to have a “hook” – a catchy opening phrase. It should relate to your personality and your goal to become a dentist, catch the reader’s attention, and motivate them to read further.
  • In the Main Body, you should describe your goals in studies and present your arguments why you are the right candidate. Most dentistry schools require that their applicants have the “dentist shadowing” experience (it means regular visiting the dentist’s office and workplace to study the professional work). Notice it when you are applying, and prepare a valuable summary of that “shadowing” to include it into the personal statement for dentistry. Stress your best qualities and most relevant accomplishments.
  • In the Conclusion, you have to summarize the information provided and once again stress that you match all the necessary criteria. Besides, make it clear that the dentistry school will also benefit from accepting you as their student. Finalize the personal statement with a strong final phrase to leave the admission board excited about your personality.

The number of paragraphs can be different. It will depend on your preferences. However, habitually, it is 4 or 5 paragraphs. The size is modest, and you have to pay all attention to the writing style. Make this personal statement concise but informative.

Also, note the following crucial things when preparing this document:

  • Mention one or two reasons why you chose this dentistry school. They should be the weightiest reasons for you and also match that school’s specificity and goals.
  • Research the requirements of the school very carefully. When you describe your skills and strong sides, ensure that they are relevant to the demands. Also, they have to present your candidature as the best match for that school. If you apply for several schools – research the criteria for each one and adjust your personal statement.
  • Specify your career goals and point out how you plan to apply the knowledge and skills obtained in this school to accomplish those goals. For the school, it means that your successful career can promote its brand.

One more crucial thing is to make this personal statement a story. The best way is to develop it chronologically – from the past, through now, and to the future. This way, you can illustrate the main criteria best of all. You tell why you want to apply to this dentistry school, what you have at the moment to be a contender, and how you see yourself after getting educated in the chosen area.

When you analyze the examples of dentistry personal statements, you mark those details. If you feel you need professional guidance, feel free to address our team. We’ll help you to clarify every aspect and guide you in the right direction. Still, independent learning by successful examples is an efficient approach.

Learn from the most efficient dentistry personal statement example

On our personal statement writing service website, you can find an exceptional dentistry personal statement example collection. We’ve gathered them online and composed ourselves. Therefore, you can use these materials to learn efficient strategies.

Every piece matches all the standard requirements. Besides, you can notice how they address the specific criteria of every particular school.

The research stage is the most essential part of your work when you prepare your own dentistry personal statement example. The more information you collect, the better you analyze the patterns, the more efficient your specific approach will get crystallized. This stage can’t be omitted in any case (unless you decide to delegate this job to a professional team like ours). After that, you’ll start to write.

Here we are also going to share some practical recommendations. They will help you to create the most impressive dentistry personal statement example.

Practical recommendations for writing a good dentistry personal statement

A dentistry application personal statement is a demanding job. You have to care about many aspects and the slightest details. However, it will become more straightforward when you know which issues require your special attention.

  • Start as early as possible. Take your time to research the details about the dentistry school and its requirements. Pay attention to the specialization you target. Clarify if you can get consultations, and use this opportunity if it is available. You have to understand why you choose this school and which aces you have for it.
  • Your personal statement is not a shortened CV – it is a story of you as a personality. The goal is to engage the audience, make them excited about having you on board. So, tell a story to those people when you are writing the piece.
  • Be very specific. Dentistry “loves” precise quantities and weighty arguments. As you (most likely) did your part of dentist’s shadowing, mention which cutting-edge approaches and techniques you’ve watched and which skills and knowledge you’ve obtained. It proves that you are excellently prepared to study and will be successful.
  • Leave the essential things only. The size of the paper is limited. Therefore, get rid of details that don’t work as excellent arguments to your statements that you are going to be an excellent member of that school.
  • Outline the composition before you start to write. You should already be familiar with the personal statement format. Build this one in the same way. Determine your thesis statement (that the dentistry school should accept your application), plan the introduction, the body, and the dentistry personal statement conclusion.
  • Consider your vocabulary. Your word choice should prove your intelligence. At the same time, don’t use too sophisticated phrases, professional jargon, or rare terms. A tooth is a tooth. Focus on making your writing clear and exciting. Terms are allowed when appropriate only.
  • Revise the personal statement thoroughly. The best approach is to put it aside for some time and return again to have a look with a fresh eye. Do this a couple of times, as you will note “bugs” every time. Track and fix all kinds of errors, and also consider the structure and syntax. Check if there are any weak sentences or bland ideas, and fix them.
  • Ask for a professional evaluation. Show the draft of your personal statement to your instructors and people who can recommend you. They might point to some issues or arguments you’ve missed.

Get prepared and create the most attractive personal statement to become a dentist! 

When you have time and knowledge to prepare, you can compose a winning personal statement for your dentistry school application. We hope that the recommendations of the dental school personal statement writing service will help you with it. However, if you are short of time or too shy to present your best qualities or just want to be sure that your personal statement will be flawless – let the team of care for it. We are here to consult, support, and write for you!

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